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Högl, 2022, 2023, 2024 1. bat - cat replacement - https://github.com/sharkdp/bat #. exa ls - ls replacement - https://github.com/ogham/exa #. rg - grep replacement - https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep #. fd - find replacement - https://github.com/sharkdp/fd #. as-tree - tree output (use like fd | as-tree) - https://github.com/jez/as-tree #. procs - ps replacement - https://github.com/dalance/procs #. sd - find and replace - https://github.com/chmln/sd #. ruplacer - search and replace - https://github.com/dmerejkowsky/ruplacer #. amber - search and replace (similar to ag, ack, grep) - https://github.com/dalance/amber #. dust - du replacement - https://github.com/bootandy/dust #. starship - cross shell prompt - https://starship.rs #. tokei - code statistics - https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei #. loc - aehnlich zu tokei (schneller) - https://github.com/cgag/loc #. hyperfine - command line benchmarking tool - https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine #. ytop - TUI based system monitor - https://github.com/cjbassi/ytop (no longer maintained, similar: bottom https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom) #. tealdeer - tldr in Rust (simpler replacement for man pages) - https://github.com/dbrgn/tealdeer #. bandwhich - network utilization by process, connection and remote IP/hostname - https://github.com/imsnif/bandwhich #. grex - regular expression tools and lib - https://github.com/pemistahl/grex #. rmesg - dmesg in Rust - https://github.com/polyverse/rmesg #. zoxide - smarter cd, autojumper - https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide #. sn - manage build artefacts, du replacement - https://github.com/vmchale/tin-summer #. delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output - https://github.com/dandavison/delta #. tp-note - minimalistic note taking - https://github.com/getreu/tp-note #. hexdmp - hexdump tool - https://badlydrawnrod.github.io/hexdmp #. nushell - new type of shell - https://github.com/nushell/nushell #. diskonaut - Terminal disk space navigator - https://github.com/imsnif/diskonaut #. jless - JSON Viewer - https://jless.io | https://github.com/PaulJuliusMartinez/jless #. tv - tidy viewer csv pretty printer - https://github.com/alexhallam/tv #. xsv - CSV utility - https://github.com/BurntSushi/xsv (siehe auch den fork qsv, https://github.com/jqnatividad/qsv) #. just - similar to make, needs justfile - https://github.com/casey/just #. bevy - game engine - https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy #. SpotifyTUI - TUI for spotify - https://github.com/Rigellute/spotify-tui #. GitUI - TUI for git - https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui #. kmon - Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor - https://github.com/orhun/kmon #. alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. (`alacritty.org `_) - https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty #. toml2json - Convert .toml to .json Files - https://lib.rs/crates/toml2json #. lowcharts - plots im terminal - https://github.com/juan-leon/lowcharts #. appflowy - Alternative zu notion.so - https://www.appflowy.io #. svgbob - ASCII in SVG wandeln - https://github.com/ivanceras/svgbob #. serial-monitor - terminal emulator in Rust (UART) - https://github.com/dhylands/serial-monitor #. mdbook - Buecher in Markdown schreiben - https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/index.html #. zellij - terminal multiplexer in Rust - https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij #. rnr - rename multiple files and directories - https://github.com/ChuckDaniels87/rnr #. memgrep - grep for /proc/pid/mem - https://github.com/eras/memgrep #. broot - a new way to browse through directories - https://github.com/Canop/broot #. youtube-subscriptions - terminal UI for viewing youtube and/or peertube subscriptions - https://github.com/yazgoo/youtube-subscriptions #. json2excel - rust/webasm lib to convert json to excel - https://github.com/dhtmlx/json2excel #. amp - simple editor - https://amp.rs #. ox - code editor im terminal - https://github.com/curlpipe/ox #. onefetch - Git-Auskunft in der Shell - https://github.com/o2sh/onefetch #. hl - Log viewer für JSON Format - https://github.com/pamburus/hl #. rustscan - Port Scanner - https://github.com/RustScan/RustScan #. sic - Bildverarbeitung auf der Konsole (CLI wrapper for https://github.com/image-rs/image) - https://github.com/foresterre/sic #. rperf - Alternative to iperf - https://github.com/opensource-3d-p/rperf #. ch4 - DNS Client - https://github.com/r-bk/ch4 #. Blue Recorder - A simple desktop recorder for Linux systems. Built using GTK+ 3 and ffmpeg. - https://github.com/xlmnxp/blue-recorder #. lfs - List filesystems (df replacement) - https://github.com/canop/lfs #. lsd - Next gen ls (ls deluxe) - https://github.com/Peltoche/lsd #. difftastic - Difftastic is a structural diff tool that compares files based on their syntax. -https://github.com/wilfred/difftastic #. mprocs - mprocs runs multiple commands in parallel and shows output of each command separately - https://github.com/pvolok/mprocs #. downcat - A simple cross-platform remote file management tool to upload and download files over HTTP/S - https://github.com/sexnine/downcat #. lemmy - Ein Link Aggregator für das Fediverse (ähnlich Reddit) - https://join-lemmy.org #. RustDesk - Remote Desktop Software (aehnlich TeamViewer) - https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk #. Quickwit - Alternative to Elasticsearch (powered by `Tantivy `_ full-text search engine) - https://quickwit.io #. choose - cut and (a bit) awk replacement - https://github.com/theryangeary/choose #. frawk - awk replacement - https://github.com/ezrosent/frawk #. brain - `Zettelkasten `_ in Rust - https://github.com/robert-lag/brain #. smeagol - lokales Wiki, ähnlich `Gollum `_ - https://github.com/AustinWise/smeagol #. rmx - rm replacement - https://github.com/demfabris/rmx #. navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line - https://crates.io/crates/navi #. vaultwarden - Alternative implementation of the Bitwarden server API written in Rust - https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden #. lesma paste app - simple paste app friendly with browser and command line (rocket, tera) - http://gitlab.com/ogarcia/lesma #. dexios - A secure file encryption utility, written in Rust - https://github.com/brxken128/dexios #. watchexec - Executes commands in response to file modifications - https://github.com/watchexec/watchexec #. samanlainen - Delete duplicate files. Uses SHA512. Rewritten from duplikaatti (Go) in Rust - https://github.com/raspi/samanlainen #. zola - A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org - https://github.com/getzola/zola #. helix - A post-modern modal text editor (ähnlich Vim und Kakoune) - https://github.com/helix-editor/helix, https://helix-editor.com #. revolt - Alternative zu Discord. Backend ist in Rust geschrieben - https://revolt.chat #. hunt - A highly-opinionated simplified Find command made with Rust - https://github.com/LyonSyonII/hunt-rs #. hurl - Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text (https://hurl.dev) - https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl #. joshuto - file manager - https://github.com/kamiyaa/joshuto #. kalker - calculator that supports user-defined variables, functions, differentiation, and integration - https://github.com/PaddiM8/kalker and https://kalker.xyz #. rtx - rtx is a tool for managing programming language and tool versions - https://github.com/jdx/rtx #. himalaya - CLI to manage emails, based on `email-lib `_ https://github.com/soywod/himalaya #. gitoxide (gix) - git in Rust - https://github.com/Byron/gitoxide #. ruff - Python linter and code formatter - https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff #. dprint - A pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust - https://dprint.dev #. lapce - A modern open source code editor in Rust - https://lapce.dev #. rust-chatgpt-cli - A user-friendly terminal interface for OpenAI's GPT chatbot - https://github.com/DieHard073055/rust-chatgpt-cli #. eza - A modern, maintained replacement for ls - https://eza.rocks #. minicaldav - Minimal CalDAV client - https://gitlab.com/floers/minicaldav #. doctave - Documentation site generator - https://github.com/Doctave/doctave #. footage - Polish videos - https://gitlab.com/adhami3310/Footage #. jaq - A clone of ``jq`` written in Rust - https://github.com/01mf02/jaq #. clog - Generate beautiful changelogs from your Git commit history - https://github.com/clog-tool/clog-cli #. typst - Workflow for science documentation (Alternative zu LaTeX) - https://typst.app #. uv - An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust (next step to "cargo for Python") - https://github.com/astral-sh/uv #. rsass - Sass reimplemented in rust with nom - https://github.com/kaj/rsass #. rusmux - Wrapper fuer tmux (aehnlich tmuxinator oder tmuxp) - https://github.com/MeirKriheli/rusmux #. sk - Fuzzy finder in Rust - https://github.com/lotabout/skim #. `asciinema `_ - Terminal session recorder - https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema #. agg - asciinema gif generator - https://github.com/asciinema/agg #. `trippy `_ - A network diagnostic tool (combines traceroute and ping) - https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy Weitere Quellen für Rust CLI Tools: - https://github.com/matu3ba/awesome-cli-rust - https://zaiste.net/posts/shell-commands-rust